Pokemon Hollow Mysteries Download

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Pokemon Hollow Mysteries is an interesting FireRed hack. Our story takes place in the Ontak region. It was once a peaceful region in the Pokemon world.

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Seen 1 Week Ago

Hello yet again PokéCommunity! I am Crizzle aka Chris Rose and I'm here to present with what should be my best hack(by default since the others sucked), Pokémon Korosu!
Before you skim through most of this text, take a glance at the features and the screenshots, and (hopefully) download, please read the Bugs section.
Pokemon Korosu is vastly different than my previous hacks, which both often tried to be 'funny'. This hack is a bit more serious(as you can tell as Korosu means 'to kill' in Japanese). Despite that, this hack is still in the same messed up universe as Pokemon Outlaw and could even be considered a sequel of Pokemon Outlaw. You don't have to play Outlaw to understand the hack's story but events from Outlaw are referred to. Here's a recap of relevant events from Outlaw, so no one has to suffer(or enjoy) going through that one just to play this one:

Pokemon Outlaw is the story of a young man who has grown up in the desolate slums of Pallet Town. But he eventually gets a Pokemon and goes a journey throughout Kanto. On this journey, he collects gym badges, fights the Police, fights Team Rocket and even finds cringe-worthy romance.
But Kanto is very different from the Kanto most of us know. Kanto is full of drug use, stupidity, corruption, crime and savagery. The source of this corruption is from the arrival of a powerful group of foreigners lead by the mysterious CJ. As the player challenges the Pokemon League, CJ forces Lance to kill the other challengers and the Elite four in order to introduce a tougher group of trainers, known as the Death Ninja. The player eventually defeats the death ninja, Lance, and even CJ and his obnoxiously overpowered team(Suicune, Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, Mew and Mewtwo). CJ is forced out of Kanto and player scores with his girlfriend. The end.
This summary leaves a lot and frankly isn't a great summary but it'll do.

Pokémon Korosu is initially a story of revenge, based partially(not really) on my favorite movie Kill Bill(Vol 1, Vol 2 was good but not nearly as good as Vol 1).
This is a story of a young lady who finds herself in a difficult situation. Her family has been killed and she has been kidnapped by a harsh, mafia-like criminal group and has been doomed into a life of human slavery. PredictablyEventually, she escapes(with some help) and she sets out for a quest to get revenge against those who have ruined her life. That's the 1st part of the story. The 2nd part of the story will have more to do with Pokemon Outlaw.
The game will take place in two very familiar regions. At first it will take place in the Sevii Islands. The 2nd part it will take place in Kanto. Both are very different from their originals. The Sevii Islands have become unstable and nearly all of them are controlled by different criminal groups of varying degrees of strength. Kanto is affected by the events Pokemon Outlaw and is in a grim condition, much different from the Kanto we all know and love.
WARNING: While this game is not as stupidly vulgar as Outlaw, it's incredibly dark and violent. There's also a couple instances of pretty bad profanity. It'd definitely get at least T(if not M) on ESRB.
I'm really happy that I can make a hack like this one because I wasn't good enough of a ROM hacker to make this when I first started last year. This would be the kind of hack, I would have made at the start but I had to settle for editing a lot of text and making it 'funny'(and being quite successful at it apparently.)
Unlike my previous nostalgic hacks, I've decided to modernize a little bit so the features could be a little more appealing. (The tiles are still pretty nostalgic though.)
-Physical/Special/Status Split(surprisingly easy to implement). Applies common sense to the battle experience.
-BW2 repel system that asks if you want to use another repel after your repel is finished(provided that you have another repel of the same kind).
-Some Gen 4-6 pokemon. Still mostly gen 1-3 pokemon but I decided to add some of my favs from other gens(spoiler: mostly as opponents. Though one will be given to you. ). It's a very small list of Gen 4-6 pokes. Here's the list:
Shinx and it's evolutions
Leafeon(Leaf Stone), Glaceon(New Item: Ice Stone)
Roserade(Leaf Stone, IRC), Weavile(Ice Stone)
Gallade(Moon Stone on a Kirlia before it turns into a Gardevoir at lvl 35. Yes, there can be Female Gallade.. Insert offensive gender identity joke here to distract from my lazyness
Lucario and 4 other pokemon that you'll have to play the game to find out!

-Pokemon Tournament instead of Elite Four/Pokemon League. 64 trainer tournament, inspired my love for american college basketball and their 68 team 'March Madness tournament'. Hopefully, it'll be an enjoyable experience.
-A completely new story, a bunch of new events and characters. I'd call it a new and unique Pokemon journey. Not merely a 8 badges, evil team, Elite four kind of game.
-Main character kills a LOT of people. Probably unprecedented in any Pokemon hack.
-No waiting to get running shoes. You get to run at the start of the freaking game. Why do you need special shoes to run? Also can run indoors.
-Fixed that stupid trainer facing thing that made no sense,so you actually face the trainer if the trainer challenges you.
-Trade evos by moon stone(some by water stone).
-Still NO FISHING. DEATH TO FISHING! (Honestly, I don't hate fishing. I just have no motivation to make fishing overworld sprites.)
-Here's good spot for a warning that this game will probably get really difficult at various points, particularly in the beginning(where you're kind of put in a tough spot).
-Also a good spot to tell you that the starter Pokemon for this game should be really obvious by now. If you still don't know, play the game and find out.
There will be bugs. I don't know how but there will be bugs. Half of them won't make any sense but I've learned that no matter how hard you try there will be bugs.
Also, I have no editor, so I'm good for a bunch of typos. And I'll definitely spell weird wrong as wierd('I before E except after C' Stupid 4th grade english teacher. Ruined me for LIFE.)
Here's a list of significant bugs found after the 1st release but fixed by me:

1)Old man in 2nd floor of Salone House who gives you pokeflute disappears when he isn't supposed to.
Technically, he disappears when you decide to kill the psychic lady gang leader on cape brink. This was because of a very small error relating to flags that I did. So if you decided not to kill her, then the bug would never occur(guess what I decided during my test run..).
This was fixed on 7/12/16 at 11:35 PM ET.
2) When you finish fortune island and start at quest island and talk to lance, lance immediately talks about the mission without giving any context, which can be extremely confusing for players. Also player would miss out on a dragon claw TM.
Not 100% sure this glitch happens for everyone(didn't occur to me when testing, but it happened to someone and I looked into it and saw a flaw which could cause the problem and fixed it. This was fixed on 7/21/16 at 2:01 AM ET.

If you downloaded before a bug was fixed, you don't have to start over. Just patch FR with an updated patch while keep your .sav file and making sure the .sav file has the same name as your .gba file.
Here's a list of known bugs that are fairly minor(may contain some spoilers)
Very small chance(less than .1%) that you lose before battling admin Sergi in game's opening sequence. There's 0 percent chance of this happening if the player plays with the intention of victory and a very low chance even if player intentionally tries to lose. If player loses, they'll be sent to cinnabar gym, completely screwing up the game. It's not an issue as this part is set up for the player to win the early skirmishes.
in 1st room that you're in, there's some minor issue with movement permissions and the bed.
can't enter 5/fortune island in any way other than boat. That means if you lost in 5 island, you'll be sent to 4 island poke center(or whatever poke center you were at last). And can't fly there either.
Pokedex data on the gen 4-6 pokemon size and footprints will not be accurate. Got lazy there.
Didn't test breeding with new pokes, so who knows what will happen if you breed with a Luxray.
Thunder and Ice fang are in the game but they don't work exactly like they do in the Gen 4-6 games.
Going on birth island might(or might not) screw up the music in the game. I didn't bother fixing it because there isn't much else to do after that point.
Don't really consider this a glitch myself but since people keep reporting it. You can only use ember spa on kindle road(for healing pokemon) once per visit. To use it again, you have to leave the spa and reenter it.

Please feel free to report any bugs you find. If the bug is major enough, I'll make a new patch to fix it.
Also note that some bugs may arise because of patching issues and may be out of my hands.
I'll spare you guys the mom/gf/sis jokes this time.
No real legit awards but:
Best Storyline 2016 Pokecommunty Hack Awards
In case you just wanted to see some early gameplay to make sure whether or not this game is for you. Check these out:
Checkout this review of Korosu by KaizoQuan-
Checkout BaneBandicoot's Nuzlocke playthrough of this game-
This was updated on 7/23/16 6:20 PM ET. If you downloaded before then, just keep your .sav file to keep your progress.
The folder will include the .ips file as well as Lunar IPS(stole this idea from Spherical Ice and Gaia). This is so there'll be less patching confusion.
You'll need a ROM(.gba) file of Pokemon Fire Red(U). Version 1.0. (Not 1.1! 1.1 will show 'GameFreak presents' in intro vid while 1.0 just shows 'GameFreak')
For those of you who care, Here's a banner that you can use to show support made by Corazon(previously known as Caramel-O):
Credits(these are just some of the credits. The rest are in the end game credits):
Glasikino for the sprite I decided to use for the main character.
Diegoisawesome just for being awesome. (As well as his guides and tools)
FBI and Joexv helped me with one particular ASM routine.

Pokemon Hollow Mysteries Download Youtube

Spherical Ice. Mr. Ice is an inspiration. Also got some OW sprites from him and Mr. DollStreak.
Doesn'tknowhowtoplay, Jambo51 and Darthatron for making that PSS patch and the latter two for the icons.
Kyledove(of Serebii I think), El Diabeetus, Rodriguezjames55,danny 317, Dionen and Vendily for their sprites that were used for some opponents in the game.
Supersoursky of romhack.me for resized ds trainer sprites
Move animation credits: Romancandle, Dream engine, Chaos Rush
Let me know if I've forgotten somebody.

Pokemon Hollow Mysteries Gible Location

Final note: Thanks to anyone who even considers clicking this thread, even if it's just to quickly skim through and laugh at me. I appreciate anyone who gives this a try. I know that some may or may not be turned off by the Crizzle brand because of my previous hacks but please give it a shot. What's the worst thing that can happen?
Pokemon Savage Silver
Check out the crappy hacks that I made:
Credit to Corazon(or whatever he calls himself now) for banner.
Pokemon CAWPS
Pokemon Outlaw