Hammond Organ Serial Numbers


Thanks for the information. I've looked up the serial number and found your organ to have been built in the early 1960's, however the only records for Hammond serial numbers are unofficial and user submitted which is why I cannot be more specific. The L series of organs are spinet organs, meaning. Each Hammond Organ console includes two manuals or keyboards: the lower, or Great, and the upper, or Swell; and a pedal keyboard of 25 keys. The operation of the controls of this model is covered in the following paragraphs.

'How old is my Hammond organ and Leslie speaker?' Read on and you may learn the answer! Beginning in late 1935 and continuing to mid-1975, the archetypal instrument we think of when hearing the word 'organ' was produced by the thousands. With a production history covering more than forty years, determining the exact manufacturing date of tonewheel Hammonds used to be difficult; new models were not introduced every year and production changes that were made were often subtle.
Recently, the production data was found and there is no longer any need for guessing. This information is being compiled, organized and edited into a soon to be released book that details all sorts of production and manufacturing information, including tables showing serial numbers and their date of production. Some of the entries on the age list show actual known production dates and can be used as markers to guage the quality of other entries around them. Until this work is published, the Age List will continue to function more or less as it has; a quasi-definitive source of this information and a registry of Hammond and Leslie product owners.
Thanks to the Electronics Industry Association (EIA) code conveniently placed on them by the manufacturer, many individual components can be dated to the year and week of production. Due to Hammond and Leslie purchasing components in large quantities, using these codes as definitive signposts will not produce an accurate 'born on' date. However, by examining those components as a group one can determine that the instrument was produced no earlier than the latest date indicated by its component parts. In general, tubes appear to have had the shortest stock life and speakers the longest.
Even the above is fraught with some risk, as replacement parts used for repair or modification will occasionally skew the overall picture. Additionally, some organs have been pieced together in order to get one working unit out of many; this will produce inconsistent and unlikely date code ranges. All available information must be taken as a whole, and, combined with some general tips and observations provided below, a narrow range of probable production years can be arrived at which in many cases will be accurate enough for most people's desires.
One thing to remember in this chronological quest is these instruments were built to be played, not (in most cases) to become museum pieces. Don't get too hung up on searching for temporal coordinates to the exclusion of the unit's real purpose as a musical instrument.


Some of the component parts of Hammonds and Leslies have EIA codes printed on them. What follows is a breakdown of the more common parts and a description of their codes. Some specific examples are cited that can be used to provide assistance in identifying the production date of similar components.
Hammond Organ Serial Numbers


Many tubes have a date code on them. Tung-Sol6550 tubes have the following format: XXXYYWW, where XXX is the EIA manufacturer code, YY is the last two digits of the year and WW is the number of the week in that year. 3227204 is a Tung-Sol tube manufactured during the fourth week of 1972. Tung-Sol 6550 tubes made for other companies (likeRCA) have a four-digit date code only. Tubes with 'Hammond' silk screened on them typically have a code consisting of two pairs of numbers separated by a dash. The format is YY-WW, where YY is the last two digits of the year and WW is the number of the week in that year. In the example, 73-48 is the 48th week of 1973.


Many capacitors have a date code on them, but some do not. Most of the tone generatorwaxandMylarcapacitors do, as well as pre- and power amplifier multi-sectioncanelectrolytic capacitors. The code typically takes the form of YYWW, where YY is the last two digits of the production year and WW is the production week. 6150 would be the fiftieth week of 1961.


All of thespeakersin Hammond organs, Hammond Tone Cabinets and Leslie cabinets dating from 1946 forward that I have seen have production date codes stamped on them. This may also be true for earlier units. The coding scheme is XXXYWW where XXX is the company EIA code (Jensen = 220, Rola = 285, Heppner = 575), Y is the last digit of the production year, and WW is the production week. 285642 would be a Rola speaker made in the 42 week of 19x6 (you have to figure out which decade using other information). For additional speaker manufacturer codes, see Ted Weber's listing atWeber Speakers.


Later Lesliemotorshave a sticker on them indicating their manufacturing date. The formula is XXX-YYWW, where XXX is the manufacturer EIA code (190 indicates General Instrument in the present example), YY is the last two digits of the year of manufacture, and WW is the week of manufacture. In the example shown, 190-7215 was made in the 15th week of 1972. Earlier Leslie motors have a stamped four digit code.

Leslie Cabinets

Inside each Leslie produced after 1956, on the lower baffle, is adate code(sometimes hidden by the bass speaker). Here's how it works: You have to be able to date the Leslie within 10 years, which should be fairly easy. Just to get started, 21H's are 1951 to 1958, 22H's are 1958 to 1963, 122/142/147/145's are late 1963 and later. Any other single speed model (45/47/51) is prior to late 1963. There are a number of visual cues: anything with a foil CBS ID tag is post 1966, anything with a metal tag is prior to 1966. The typewritten silver foil tags appeared in the mid to late 70's. The new style Leslie logo appeared in 1970, and cabinets made after then have particle board baffles rather than all hardwood construction and are missing the instruction sheet formerly pasted to the back. The code consists of 4 digits; the first 3 numbers are the Julian date, and the last digit is the year. For example, model 25 serial #1522 has 1619 stamped on the baffle identifying it was made on the 161st day of 1959.

Hammond Cabinets and Components

There are several external features that can provide clues to an organ's age.



Manufacturing Year


Keyboard cheekblocks

Pre-1960 Wooden; 1960 and laterplastic.

C and D models

1939 - 1958

A/A100/B/C/RT models

Non-flutedvibrato knob

Flutedvibrato knob

1946 - 1961

1962 and later

A/A100/B/C/D/E/RT models

SmallHammond Script

LargeHammond Script

1935 - 1965

1965 - 1969

B/C/RT models

Non-ratchet drawbars

Continous contact late-1953 and later


1954 - 1960

1961 and later


AO-28 transformer color

Up to mid-1962silver; mid-1962 and laterblack

A100/B/C/D/RT models

Vibrato line box frame

https://luckycaptain.netlify.app/freddie-gibbs-pinata-album-download.html. Silverwooden: pre-1956. Black wooden: 1956-1957.Metal: 1958 and later (and all A-100 series as well).


GeneratorRC networks

1965 and later




1934 - 1968

1969 and later


Necklace reverb

1959 to 1960


Below is a compilation of Hammond organ serial numbers and dates submitted by owners and other interested folks. There are discrepancies here, so be prepared for some imprecision; it should get you within a year or two when combined with the information above. Since I can't independently verify the information provided this seems to be the best we can do.

Note: Organs produced after 1968 had a letter prefix code in the serial number: A=1969, B=1970, C=1971, D=1972, E=1973. Sometime in mid-1973, in the mid-200000's, Hammond dropped the prefix letter. this means half the organs built in '73 and all '74/'75 organs have no letter code. Serial numbers began to take on a surreal quality at this time, with higher serial numbers not necessarily representing newer units.

For example, A-xxxxx = 1969, B-(x)xxxxx = 1970, C-xxxxxx = 1971, D-xxxxxx = 1972, E-xxxxxx = 1973.

Organs previously in the Age List falling in the prefix group have been removed since they readily admit their age.

Notes: Models produced in other countries had a different serial number system.

Confidence Level is an arbitrary rating from 0 to 100. 33 indicates wild guess, paper documentation bill of sale, etc.; 66 indicates matching by using cabinet features list; 100 indicates looking at date codes and cabinet features.

Units are located in the United States unless otherwise indicated.


Model A

(Manufactured from June 1935 through October 1938)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
11934100 Smithsonian Museum
61934100David Salny
181935100Sal Azzarelli
191935100Toni LaCamera
221935100Ian McLaren (Scotland)
241935100Mark D. Chamberlain
251935100Sean Beste
341935100Tom Tuson
361935100Don Kusnerik
551935100Matt Chadra
751935100Terry Kane (AV+)
901935100George Hiatt (AV)
1121935100 Vintage Online Hammond
1191935100'Rusty' Campbell
1261935100Bill Kostok
1871935100Timothy W. Compton
1911935100John Wooddell
1991935100William Beith
2001935100Tom Petro
2651935100Tom Petro
2821935100Jim Poulicci
3151935100Richard Ramsey
3491935100Sjaak van Oosterhout
352193533 Unknown
353193533Melanie Beam
3641935100Dario Treese (Germany)
371193533Dan Pulos
3731935100Tyler Drabick
3771935100Jeff Montanari
380193533John E. Schneider
3891935100Bill Sharp
3951935100 Bevis Peters (UK)
4081935100Craig Browning
425193566Russ Colombo
4291935100George Van Campen
4341935100Tom Petro
4511935100Bob Tanner
4551935100Russ Colombo
4651935100Sal Azzarelli
6081935100Robert Jensen
6221935100Edward Hegge
6581935100Lyle Baroski
6661937100Jim Jones
7281935100Bernardo Paratore
7521935100J.D. Stewart
760193533 Unknown
7781935100Harry Lounsberry
7941935100Tom Petro
8011937100Thomas Buenger (AV)
8231935100Rick Prevallet
8761935100Chris Barnett
8921935100Mike Parker (Model AV)
893193533Jeff Morris
8981935100Ted Gardner
9191935100Richard McIlvery
925193633Clayton Blick
9401936100Derek Macdonald
9801936100Tony Perrino
985193666Robert Stoll (Model AV)
991193533David Harnett
10281936100Roy Zartman
1035193666Tom Petro
1056193666John Ellis
1072193666Mike Prins
1092193633Terry A. Kleven
11281936100David Lloyd Short
1248193633Fred Moore
1252193666Mr. Blau
1287193633Dr. Arthur D. Kemp
1347193833Rich Hartline
1349193666Joseph R. Vengen
13651936100 From Harvey Olsen
13721935100Toni LaCamera
1410193666Tom Reeve (Model AV)
1413193666Edward Shuquist (Model AV)
14271936100Rick Prevallet
1437193666Bill Rubertus
1440193666Ruth Jensen
14681936100Steven Tice (AV)
15381936100Rick Prevallet
1557193666Joerg Schirmer (Germany,Mà � ¼ hlhausen)
15571936100Marcus Joinette
1580193733 Unknown
1587193766Bill Rubertus
16021936100Dale Ferrell
1632193733Rich Holcombe
17531936100Bill Bolick
17591936100Steve Restivo
17591936100steve j. restivo
1828193633Mike Sellers
1875193766Martin Furey
2011193766Jason Brandt
21211936100C Relich
21251936100Pierre-Luc VALLET
2167193633Delleon LaFave
2177193633Steve Roberts (the other one)
21821936100Doc Nelson
22001936100Zsolt Szabo
2302193833Eric Nyberg
23111936100 Kurt Armsden (Model AV)
23271936100Jonny Fang (Model AV)
2345193766William S Lewis Sr
2381193866John Ellis
23841936100Steven Tice
2405193566Silvio Della Mattia
25301937100Tom Petro (AB)
25421938100Claude Schmit (AB)
25631938100Larry Grandstaff
2563193833Larry Grandstaff
25911938100Bill Rubertus (Model AB)
2650193833 Rick Prevallet (Model AB)
2660193866Tom Petro (AB)
2694193733 Jason Muskopf

Model BC

(Manufactured from December 1936 through November 1942)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
N210193733Hugh Hinskens
N943194133Robert Seagrove
0053193866JOHN DUNN (UK)
78193660Adrian Fulton
86193766Derek Halliday (UK)
90193766Bevis Peters (UK)
106193833Peter Hammond (UK)
1361936100Dennis Scott (BCV)
2031938100Bevis Peters (UK)
204193833Casper Teijgeler
263193733David Cross
40061936100Sal Azzarelli December 1936
4128193766Steve Winner
42151937100Dennis Montgomery
4221193733Greg Black
4320193766Gerard Vigneron (FR)
4365193733Tom Thorsen (FR)
43751937100Alex Owen
4601193766Jeffrey Montanari
4618193766Doug Renaud (CA)
4631193733Paul Hollowell
47021937100Jim Brown
4720193733Doug Hudson
4737193766Scott Shuster
50191937100Tenny Street Roadhouse
5122193766Terry Fox
51571937100Mark Williamson
5324193766 Steve Steinman
5515193733Tim Swafford
5533193733Seth Bayer
5566193733Scott Williams
55751937100Forrest Radley
5589193733Dan Pulos
5631193766Cody and Cameron Childers
57881937100Jeff Andrews (Chrome City Studios)
60651937100Dale Work
6196193833Peter Abrams
62961938100John Spahr
65681936100GENESIS C. RIVERA
6568194033 Genesis Rivera
6733193833Danny Navarro
6812193933Leland G. Lay (sr)
6865193833Red Young
7106193833David Hagler
7457193866Ryhmnn aka Roy Heumann
74951938100Jay J. Rogers Topeka KS
75711938100Dan Bonow
7576193833 Rick Prevallet
76091938100Jim Kaiser
76403833D Loe
79921939100George Fish
100241939100steve j. restivo
100241939100Steve Restivo
10117194233John Lynch
102531942100Ray Cooke
10295194266Fred Greene
10359194233 Rick Prevallet
10373194066 James Foster
10379194266Charlie Metcalf
10434194233Dixson Rudolph
10449194233 From Bob (of the Desert)
105871942100Mark Weisgram
10620194233Paul Venezia
10679194233Russ Colomb (BCV)
11032194233Pete Mazich (BCV)
11096194233Ronnie Schilling
11148194233Mary Culler (BC)

Model D

(Manufactured from June 1939 through November 1942)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
81939100the human oyd
451939100Ralph Goldheim
611939100A.J. Meals
20411940100Bernardo Paratore
2268194033Jeff Renaud
2989194033 Rick Prevallet
3367194066%Charlie Metcalf
3600194133Dan Fenner
4709193833'Mad' Matt Lawrence
4869194033David Harnett
4929193933Rick Prevallet
5361194133Bryan Frymire Lou.Ky USA
54811942100S. G. Esposito
59001942100Thom Day
6561194233Erik Norlander
105841938100A. Ritchie

Model E

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(Manufactured from July 1937 through July 1942)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
N1131937100Adrianne Schutt (CA)
N1301938100Adam Melnick
11251937100Darren T. Brown
6645193866Arndt Stiebritz-Ulrich
80671938100Nathan Wilmarth
8157193866John E. Ellis
81911938100John Jacob
81931938100George Kohl
8451193966Tom Petro
8632194033David Stevens

Model G

(Manufactured from June 1941 through November 1944)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
41031942100Ron Vreeland
4457194333 Rick Prevallet

Model H (Novachord)

(Manufactured from ? through ?)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
341938100Stephen Kamm
821939100Marco Bacigalupo
1391939100Dixson Rudolph
175193933Rick Sidell
3461939100Dan Wilson (UK)
1277194033Silvio Della Mattia
14361940100Jon Salley
15361940100Tim Stoel

Model BV

(Manufactured from October 1945 through December 1949

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
10873194533 Rick Prevallet
12573194533Dan Pulos
18050194666Steve Mungarro
19819194633Jerry Bartone
20734194733Mark Teeters
20744194766Mark Robertson
207561947100Al Plourde
21456194866Bill Butler-Stuart Mortuary
21490194733 Rick Prevallet
217431947100Tom Petro
217461947100Tim Roche
21815194766Dave Fifield
22430194733Bill Urmson
227441947100David Noll
23400194733Michael Baker
23528194733Dan Pulos
235401947100Mark Weisgram
235581947100Sparrow Columbia Temple Board
242481947100Jim Hassberger
249051947100George Fish
261311947100Scott F. Sneller
28144194833Maynard Lazar
28345194833Tom Carroll
284451948100Dave Mersereau
29135194933Mark Miller
29198194933Bill Butler

Model CV

(Manufactured from October 1945 through December 1949)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
112521945100 First CV - October 24, 1945. Where is it now?
112791945100Kimberly Neal
115331945100Sal Azzarelli 12/13/45
117471945100Rick Prevallet
118051945100Tom Riley
120321945100 Peter Padalino
120321945100Brock Gillis
120451945100Christian Hanner
120991945100Scott Fowler
121011945100Karlo Lovric
12128194533Craig MacDonald (CA)
12213194566Ryan Stroup
12402194533 Ian McEwen
12627194533Rick Pittman
12631194533 Rick Prevallet
13174194766Rick Prevallet
13201194566Adrianne Schutt (CA)
13408194733David Harnett
13612194533 Rick Prevallet
142801945100Karl Stiller
14414194533Bob Vitti
14683194533 Rick Prevallet
14864194533 Luis Barreiro (Argentina)
148821945100Daniel Forro (Japan)
14908194566David Lewallen(Tol, Oh)
15004194533Dean Smith
151001946100Jeff Goodman
15172194533 John Nicholson
15195194533Rich Wenzel
15321194533George Thom
15544194533Dave Eskridge
15864194533Joseph Rivers
16115194533David Simpson
16245194533Matthew Trembley
16264194533Will Eggleston
16628194533Brian Eastburn
16662194533Mike Macy
171271945100James Young
17172194533Greg Steil
17339194633 Rick Prevallet
176271946100Leland Berry
17647194633Josh Pritchett
177541946100G. Brookshire
17759194833Greg Black
178221946100Ero Lippold
184281947100Eric Tucker
18930194766Linda Martin
190071947100 Maureen Beverlin
20569194733James Brundage
21902194733Cindy Champion
22192194733brian elston
228581947100Rick Heard
23212194866Fredrick Stanley
23266194866Seth Piper
23337194866 Paul Sloan
237291948100Scott Stewart
238211948100Adam Biscow
23870194833Steen Hemmingsen DK
239121948100Paul D. Crane Jr.
240291948100Leland Berry
24070194833Tony Markos
241481948100Randy Bush
244531948100David L McMurray
24565194833Dave Walker
24624194833Ronald W. Braun
246961948100Randy Kirk
25281194833Kurt Hall
25356194833Linda Hansen
25446194833Chip Gremillion
25678194833Craig Ellis
257111948100Rob Rohde-Szudy
26019194966Steve Vinson
262781948100Werner Ingvaldsen (NO)
26751194933Rick Ruggiero
26906194933Bob Armstrong
26937194933Tom Petro
270171949100 thomas mccage
27152194833West End Jazz Band
272181949100Jeff Ziv
27287194933David Toppin
27515194933Butch Gregoria
275491949100Tony Sarno
27725194966tom and enola jansto
27849194933David Raptosh
27866194933Tom Clement
27873194933 Butch Weaver
28521194833Dave McClellan
290371949100 Rick Prevallet
29058194966Nativity of Our Lord Church
293961949100Greg Black
294551949100Tom Boyer
295171949100Jordan Reaser
295191949100 Rick Prevallet
297971949100Tim Holloran
298271949100Steve Spencer
302191949100Rick Prevallet
302871949100 Last CV - December 15, 1949. Where is it now?

Model B2

(Manufactured from December 1949 through December 1954)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
350671950100Larry Neeff
365521950100Johnny Ray Gomez IV
366591950100Bob Noble
36804195033Bart Waller
37419195033Brent Pontuti
38291195033Ben and Katie
39429195233Greg Black
42631195166Steven Bennack
42718195133gary crozier
43264195133Sean LaRose
43302195133Nathan A. Dixon
44849195233Wilfred Hosteland (NO)
45911195266D.J. Preston
45954195233 Rick Prevallet
48068195333Patrik Gundmundsater
493371953100M Sarad
493391953100Arnold D Maas Family
49368195166Larry Peterson
50211195333Peter Sweetzir
50396195333Mark Weisgram
50606195466Michael Converse
50607195433Jim Hawkins
512321954100Russ Colombo
51259195466Bill Butler-Indianapolis
51356195333Don Teixeira
513691953100 Greg Woods
514261954100 Unknown
524431954100Mike Shields
528741954100David Lloyd Short
528911954100Alan Lenhoff
531681954100 Rick Prevallet
53235195433Steve Revis
537141954100Dave Brull
545041954100Lynn Tucker
545111954100Paul Svenson
545821954100Richard Vernon
550921954100Egil Rodal (NO)
553241954100Pierre-Luc VALLET
55345195433Dan Pulos
554001954100Eberhard Kraemer

Model B3 Celtx download for mac.

(Manufactured from January 1955 through 1975)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
55023195466Kenneth Witzell Jr.
554481955100Julia Elliston
560141955100T.C. Pfeiler (Austria)
561111955100John S. Mac Donald
561151955100Michael Phillips
561161955100Rick Coberly
561361955100Doug Kelm
561901955100Bill Wood
562001955100Trevor Brooks
564061955100Karl Frick
564121955100Pat Dowdy
564231955100John Gros
564281955100Sal Azzarelli
56479195533Michael Medaris
565071955100Terry Jennings
565141955100Rick Markert
565161955100Art Lawson
567041955100Richard Lane
573581955100Kenn Ferro, S.O.C.
573981955100 Michael White
579841955100Steven Roady
580951955100Mike Vandemark
58114195533Scott Springer
583921955100David Jacques
584171955100Jeff Witt
588901955100Ed Vaughn
588961955100Pat O'Connor
58902195566 Andrew Yeomanson
589561955100Winton Cowles
590321955100JC & JW Hemingway
59040195666Ted Wyman
59099195633LAURENS Organ Company
59544195566Bill Butler
59553195666David Jacques
59632195666Sean Beste
596421956100 V.Simms
597031956100David Jacques
603981956100Pete Daia
604181956100Jyrki Sippola
60426195666 Rick Prevallet
604321956100John McAuley
60981195666James O Evans
613901956100Maurizio Muha
614311956100Ken Quagliana
621931956100Mike Pyne
62265195633Gilbert Vandercapellen
626321957100Gerd Pienau
626741957100Kevin Syler
627421956100Mark Robertson
62812195666Z Elf
63074195666Wayne Griffith
632091956100Sal Azzarelli
632201956100Danny Brooke
632291956100 David Harnett
63755195666David Lopez
63849195633Creedy Moore
639081956100Ben Munroe
639291956100Byron Swanson
639301956100Jacob Tipton
63943195666 Stuart Sullivan
63943195666Stuart D Sullivan
639651956100Paul Wollerman
644941957100norman titcomb
64509195766Robert Pascarella
64579195733Michael Medaris
646661957100Andreas Turner
65201195733Ron Baumtrog
65225195733Glenn Materniak
65235195733Rich Wenzel
652441957100Rick Prevallet
652571957100Carter Bidwell
65390195733George Benton
65400195766John Pardi
65576195766Dan Curran
65592195633Steven Roberts
65632195633Michele Montecucco
65907195733Philippe Ducor
65933195633 Harry Oestreicher
662491956100Jarkko Hautala FIN
66284195633Brock Gillis (CA)
66433195633Red Young
66591195633Tom Wanca
66620195766Dave Mackenzie
66649195733Don Grager
66962195766Marco Parisi
66993195766Byron Palmer
674191957100Tim Roche
678281957100glen sturm
67909195766Jim Chandler
68055195733 Eric LeMoyne
69026195666Gabor Szepesi
69342195733Stefan Johnson (Cherry)
69470195766Rene Bressieux
695391957100John Jacob
697691957100Rich Wenzel
698161957100Marcel Suos
708291957100Ken Marvel
708401957100Ricky Leonard
708441957100dave hernandez
708451957100Robert Sigman
708661957100Mark Kohler
708771957100John Haslam
70879195766Sean Monahan
708791957100Sean Monahan
709141957100Jamie Rosenberg
70952195766Rex Rice
710501957100John Jacob
71082195733 Nolen Berry
718101958100Andreas Schertel
718261958100Tom Constable
72616195866Lloyd Finks
726201958100Andy Glanzman
731921958100David Whittaker
732071958100Willie Whittaker
73274195866James Murphy
733101958100James Brown
73312195833Joe Krown
73327195866Michael Wolk
738191958100Roy Knight
738191958100Roy Knight
742381958100Tim Hodges
743671958100 Rick Prevallet
746941958100Don Winter
74695195866PAT HAUSER
74790196266Nick Vincent
747911958100Peter Christensen
749201958100Mike Kahrs
751111958100Bill Rubertus
75753195833Troy Hula
75821195866Ken Cash
762591958100Moritz Haugk
76275195866Jim Alfredson
76354195866Bill Boulton
76408195866C. S. Lanham
76572195866 Ingo Klich-Walter
76629195833Doyle Smith (Cherry)
766541959100Bill Bruno
769881959100wayne peele
770161959100Mike Biddle
77272195966Al Gamble
77338195933William O'Connell
77342195966Tim Bulgrin
773731959100steve patterson
77442195966Alan D. Quilley
776921959100John W F Goode
783121959100Joey Chircop (Malta)
783801959100Donald Genord Jr
783801959100Donald Genord Jr. (MI)
78397195933Jorg (Germany) (Cherry)
784521959100Andrea Marina
78575195933Werner Bombera
78598195933Steven Roberts
78795195933Hirohiko Mori
791381959100Darren Grigsby
79157195966Dave Wallace
79431196066Michael Kent
794531959100David Jacques (Fruitwood)
794771959100Jeff Morris
79563195933 Rick Prevallet
79579195933Jack Hinson
795991956100Marco Pomponi
795991959100Marco Pomponi
795991959100Marco Pomponi
800411959100George Fish Jr
80046195966Tom Marton
80138195933Jack Vreeland
80169195933Michael Douglas
80201195866Bill Butler
802021958100Peter John Kane
805281959100Danny Hartzell
80534195833Robert Tanner
80609195933Brad Rice
80629195966Dave Brown
80645195833Russell Wood
80647195833Tom McMillia
80685195933Tom Ericsson
807021959100Steven Roady
80991195966Todd Ague
811231960100Andreas Geierlehner
81268196066Danny Peyronel
81355196166Peter Bremy
818981960100Dennis Wage
819661960100Patrick Insko
823521960100Andreas Turner (SW)
823561960100Ludwig Kuerten (GER)
82364196066Steve Leigh
82407196233Jeff Ziv
82748196133Trinity A/G Church Balto.
827701960100Bjö rn Clern (SE)
82833196033Tom Chambers Cherry
828461960100Tomi Schwarzenbach CH
828931960100Atsuko Hashimoto
82911196166Steve Leigh
83273196066Harold Beers
832901960100Juan H. Stagg C.
83350196066Ronald van der Veen
83374196066 Bob Miller
834461960100Gary Mathews
83689196066 Andi Brunner (Austria)
837371960100Treshell Black
838841960100Bruce Hanover
839611960100Tom Petro
839641960100David Jacques
84260196166Pier Angelo Arrighi
843121961100 Andi Brunner ( Austria) Cherry
843121961100 Andi Brunner ( Austria) Cherry
843121961cherry Andi Brunner
84344196166Dave Shelton (Cherry)
846431960100Don Bickle Jr
847821960100David JAcques (Cherry)
854171962100Philip Coniglio
855421961100Frank Zueckmantel (cherry)
860071961100Jim Jones
86240196266John Pardi
862481961100Silvio Della Mattia
86298196266Bill Bruno
864841962100Tony LaBrasca
867661962100Jacob Tipton
86770196266George Izquierdo
867771962100 Markus Lind
868031962100Harold G. LeBoeuf
86805196266Joe Rezzo
868361962100Phil Madeira
869091962100Sal Azzarelli
869131962100Dan Sherry (Cherry)
869141962100Joseph Padilla
872491962100Chris Preston
873101962100Brian Ford M.D.
873811962100Mike Hack
875331962100Gerard Gibbs
875801962100Paul Hollowell
875901962100Kosta Kostadinov
876571962100Mark Weisgram
876811962100Scott Nichols
880751961100Tom Smith
880971962100Don Hicks
881761963100 Rich Wieck
881911963100David Jacques
88200196366Holger Pagenkopf
882011963100Mark Austin
886491963100Danny Young
887731963100Hartwig Mueller
892391963100J. Milo Slick
893111963100John Xanthis [Cherrywood
893391963100Dennis Chandler
893571963100Patrice de Faccio
897781963100Bill Bruno
897991963100Rick Petrella
90110196366Todd Phipps
903091963100Adriaan RothFusz
903451963100 Rick Prevallet (Light Cherry)
903891963100Steve Restivo
904071963100Linda Snyder
90409196333James Boyd
904201963100R. Alan Coppage
904651963100Dr. Arthur D. Kemp (Cherry)
90759196433 Doppler Studios
910381964100Andreas Turner (Cherry)
91045196433Breck Camp
91046196466%Larry Gold
91046196466Larry Gold
91056196466Richard Markham
910631964100Tim Holloran
911681962100Pierre-Luc VALLET
91176196433Michael Medaris
91206196233 Leon Kuypers (Holland)
91295196466Richard Wamil (CA)
91350196466Harry Lounsberry
91383196433Jimmy Sistar
914141964100Marco Parisi
920201964100Phil Antonucci
920531964100Rene Scholten Holland
920731964100Keith Burberry (FR)
92097196433Michel Benebig (Cherry)
925941964100Carl Laesch
926371964100Mark Giles
92662196466Rick Prevallet
92670196433gary bryant
93057196366Bill Bruno
933081964100 Bob Erdahl
93338196433 Gary Allsebrook
933471964100Chris Heller
933801964100Dennis Wage
93627196466Ron Purkhiser
93676196433Dave dyp Young
937361964100Bill Wood (mylar, no R/C)
93739196433Alan Asadoorian
93902196466Wayne Dutrow
94101196566niels christensen
941231962100Silvio Della Mattia
94137196566Bill Bruno
942241965100Tom Eldred
94262196566ralph hetke (ca)
94635196566Timothy D. Holderman
946721965100W.B. Thompson
947151965100Sal Azzarelli
951101965100Brian Ford M.D.
95160196533Nicolai Wendelboe (DE)
951821965100Mark Weisz
95257196566Emil van Woensel
957041966100Jean Duplantie
95715196666Gabor Szepesi
95727196666Malcolm Peddie Canada
957441966100Steve Beach
96081196633Jefferson Gaffney
960861966100 Bobby Whitlock
961761966100Steven Roady
964111966100BUD MOFFETT
964471966100Paul Wasserman
969511966100Mike Pyne
97013196766Joseph D King
970141967100Bill Bruno
974081967100Robert Munich (AUS)
974571967100JAN R. KRUPA, SR.
976021968100Henrik Alestalo
976811967100Dr. Arthur Kemp
98005196833Will Eggleston
980061967100Scott Hawthorn
98018196833Dan Saucier
980181968100Dan Saucier
981401968100Tim Hodges
984521968100Chuck Smith
989081968100Tim Holloran
99547196733Wolfgang Gattringer
99594196866Dane C. LaBarr
996311968100Tim Hodges
997941968100Norbert Dombai
1000011968100Pascal Maring (Switzerland)
1000071968100L. Zane Gill
100036196766Alexi David
1002091968100Felix J Piccolo
1002521968100Scott Hawthorn
1003121968100Bill Sharp
100346196833Al Carubia
100367196866Pete Cage
100637196833Brittnye Shelton
1007391968100Tommy Burke
1007601968100Jerry Wisecarver
1009031967100Joe Neil
1010141968100chuck farless
1010211968100Brian Ford M.D.
101100196866Gale E. Wolfe
1012431968100James Brown
1012691968100Markus Karch (Germany)
1015001969100Sal Azzarelli March 6, 1969
2263631973100Rasmus Stenholm
234284196833Mt Pisgah Baptist-Indy
3115221973100Dominick Ciancaglini
311644197333Doug Renaud (CA)
3119061973100Matti Adolfsen
328255197033Steve Marth
3638331973100Mark Hayden
364832197433Jim Bogusky
3651381974100Rick Prevallet
365178197466Jay Baird
3651991975100Kent Bruce Elder
3652561975100Tim Montgomery
375455197433Dr. Arthur D. Kemp
3756791974100Bruno Micheli
3756881974100Ken Lovern
3758341974100Larry Streaty
3759541974100Louis Levasseur
388228197433Joseph S. Abbate
3885751975100Sal Azzarelli (5/29/75)
3885761975100Sal Azzarelli (5/28/75)
443927197466Bjarne Jensen Denmark

Model C2

(Manufactured from December 1949 through December 1954)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
35195195033Glenn Rosenstein
35708195066Dave Long
370331950100 Rick Prevallet
37065195066Steve Vinson
371001950100Irvington 1st Baptist
371571950100Mark Williamson
374871951100Douglas H. Nathan
37509195066 Michael Brooks
379151950100Rick Prevallet
385001950100Robert W. Jones
385001953100Robert W. Jones
385721950100Marcel Bouchard
38593195066Dave Chesavage
38627194933Craig Browning
40086195066 Rick Prevallet
40175195033Jonathan Jonas
40201195033Alex L. Setzer
40808195266Duane Palmore
41245195166 Skip McQuiston
41743195166Peter H. Kemp
42477195166Mark Souder
42520195133Marcel Sturzenegger
42913195133john vinci
43465195233George Higgins
43477195266Leon Connors
435251952100Marc Mercier
436901952100Marvin W. Kerr
43870195233 Rick Prevallet
439161952100Steven L. Jackson
43923195266 Bruno Primas
43974195233 Rick Prevallet
44003195233Maceo Foster
44019195266Richard George
441541952100 Jonathan Varo
44229195233 Rick Prevallet
44289195266Dixson Rudolph
444101952100John Maggard
445421952100Giuliano Innocenti
44552195266Steve Costello
446161952100Bill Butler
447351952100Sylvia Ramquist
45029195233The Warren Family
45259195266Dan Brandesky
45832195233Stephane Daoust (CA)
463121952100Arthur B. Kemp
46475195266Jesse Hunt
466521952100Bill Sancimino
469351952100Denny Friedline
47030195233Henri (Belgium)
474221952100Janice Zumbo
477151952100David Holt
47910195266Jon Clark
47917195233 Arizona State University
48544195233Eddie Gandolfi
48683195366Doug Renaud (CA)
48734195366Chris Anthes
488221953100Mangum Family
49540195233Nick Brandenburg
49645195333Buddy Casteel
49766195033Greg Black
50069195366Towne Worship Center
50614195366Ernie Sines
506511953100Robert Alexander
506651953100Jim Hicks
50894195333Ed McDonnell
50916195366Joe Procopio
509191953100Jerry Wisecarver
51026195366Mike Case
51194195366Gregory Wallace
514621954100Regan Bull (CA)
51516195433Oli Fraenkle
515181954100Craig MacDonald (CA)
515631954100Jeffrey Arnold
515711954100Jerry Fowler
516201954100 Jon W. Kersey
51729195466Chris Johnson
517881954100 Rick Prevallet
521151954100Leon Connors
52194195433 Chris Cummings
525511954100Jim Alfredson
529591954100Joey Melotti
53039195766Leon Connors
532561954100 Fredy Mangisch(Switzerland)
534201954100Andi Brunner ( Austria )
539611954100Wilfred Hø steland (NO)
546781954100 Unknown (December 1954)
547971954100Cathy M. Zeehandelaar
548731954100 Dan Clark
555571954100Last C2 built, 115 volt, 50 HZ version (December 14, 1954. Where is it now?)

Model C3

(Manufactured from January 1955 through 1975)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
56051195466John Pappenfort
568041955100Tim Tobias
56867195566 tschette
568791955100Bob Bergford
572971955100Gary Dow
575671957100Ursula Prinz
576471955100Russ Colombo
581331955100Sparks Foursquare Church
582881955100Cliff Conradt
58314195566Chris Thomas
585871955100Dave Cordes
59229195666Rick Prevallet
592351956100Junior Botha
59659195633Marco Parisi (Chop)
596901956100Ron Racine
596901956100Ron Racine
597201955100Al Gamble
59784195666Rick Gould
599531957100Vik Cassis
59981195666Steven Roberts
60031195666Joe Rezzo
600511956100 Terje Haugom (NO)
60164195633Gabor Szepesi
60318195566Edgar P. Barbera, III
60693195633Tony Bryson
607861956100Dan Skittlethorp
60826195666Roberta Howard
61297195666Joan Isenberger
61892195766 Bob O.
62013195666Mike Vandemark
62127195633Karl Frick
628601956100Jeff Richards
629061956100John McCollum
629321956100 Rick Prevallet
62956195666Robert Ranes
62970195633Graham Dicker (AU)
63261195633Harry Owens
632741957100Edward R. Castillo
634591956100Pedro Rodriguez
63597195633Rich Wenzel
640931957100Brian Ford M.D.
64255195733Sueli Cajeron (Brazil)
64737195733Kari Niittym�k
647651957100 W. Cottrell
647941957100john mcgerigle
65443195733Wolfgang Deffner
661961957100Ian Wayne
66253195766Jocelyn Bouchard
662611957100JP Lavergne
663411956100Scott hawthorn
664351957100Mike Kahrs
672351957100Jacob Tipton
687331957100Gigi Scagnelli (Italy)
694331957100Bill Sancimino
69610195733Vincent Grippe
699351957100George Izquierdo
700501957100Pete Cage
70193195833Trinity A/G Church Balto.
70234195766 Dorian Corrales
702861959100Asbjorn Myksvoll (Norway)
70298195833Betty McComas (Blonde)
70305195833John Lynch
703321958100Sal Azzarelli
703381958100Peter Taft
70409195866Bill Llewellyn
705041958100Jeff Stapleton (Canada)
71241195866Chris Thomas
713931958100Ben Groseclose
716561958100John Freund
720231958100Rick Prevallet
721291958100Rick Prevallet
72242195866Paul Kemp
722781958100Michael Alan Zeuch
72451195833Michael Medaris
72473196033Ken Davis
727531958100Brian M. Eastburn
728341958100Steve Restivo
728341958100Steve Restivo
72985195833Karl Frick
730491958100 Jason H. Richard
735881958100Ed Greany
73681195833Bruce Kehret
739751958100Apostolic Holiness
744621958100Matti Kari (Finland)
747001958100Mt Zion Apostollic-Indy
75012195866James Damask
750231958100Al Pratt
75455195866John W .F. Goode
755211958100STEVE GROM
758611958100JP and Dylan White
76757195866Gianluca Sabbi
76871195866Stefano Vicarelli
768861959100Bob Coleman
77116195833Tom Clement
775871958100Rodney Weed
785311958100Don O'Cain
78531195833Don O'Cain
786901958100Matt Dietrich
787141958100Amy Frederick
78949195866Chris Teague
789501958100Dennis Delzer
789661958100Sam O Scott
793211958100Claudio Tambussi (Italy)
79355195866Jack Barakitis
793621959100Tim Holloran
79749195833 Rick Prevallet
797611958100Holger Pagenkopf
79920195833Gary Allsebrook
80214195933Doug Bennett
802641959100Tom Stanford
80735195966John Hodgkinson
807571959100David/Deborah Boyd
80762195966Carl Cimino
80976196066Tom Kjos
81211196066Gabor Szepesi
814961959100Roberto Lughi
815221959100Fernando Costa
82153195866Dallas Kruse
823121959100Pierre-Luc VALLET
82595195933Minister Demetra Davis
82673195933Michael Medaris
83017196066M Sarad
83094196066Chris Heller
831011960100Thomas Sheaks
83126196033Rick Ackman
836451960100Tim Petit
836811960100Russ Colombo (Blonde)
83995196133Ken Soper
849771961100Geoffrey Dairiki
850391961100 New Lambton Church AU
85061196133Mark Slade (Ireland)
850801961100Steve Beach
852441961100Crighton Goodwill
85643196133Dave Barraclough (UK)
857091961100Ned Lucas
85827196133Robert McCarthy
85828196166Robert Hudson
86187196133Leen Groenewegen (NL)
861941961100Pete Macmillen
86198196066Olaf Schjelderup
86521196233Rovert Sandvik (SW)
86588196266Michael Leik
866881962100Mati Vaarmann
87213196233Holger (Germany)
872371962100Larry B LeBoeuf, Canada
87399195833Greg Black
87399196266greg black
874571962100Rick Prevallet
877211962100 Yannick Dutreuil
878231962100Damon Hearne
884811962100Giuseppe Ravaglia (Italy)
88966196233Alan Reddig
89035196233Charles Reid, Jr. (Blonde)
890601962100Bob Hillis
891041962100Kon Zissis
89131196266Jesse Deane-Freeman
894521962100 BigAl (Berlin, Germany)
89483196280Dave Bentley
896051963100Clemente Ferrari (Italy)
89617196333Matthew Fisher (UK)
896181963100Edoardo Fagiano (Italy)
896211963100Amanda Hambidge
89822196333Chris Monlux
900461963100Steven Roberts
902191963100Saron moravian church
902631963100Frank McGing (Ireland)
902781963100Ian Jackson
904641963100Second Baptist-Kokomo,Ind
904661963100Ken Lovern
904701963100flo kaufmann
905081963100Marlin Martindale
908131963100Tim Rinkerman
915641963100Roger A. Prior, Jr.
91593196466 Stuart Sullivan
915931964100red young
916611963100 Ron Summerhill
916831963100Matt Daniel
917281963100Keith Burberry
917541963100 Tom Frei
919021963100 Rick Prevallet
92645196466Tiny Ives (UK)
927601964100Sal Azzarelli
929051964100Sal Azzarelli
932361964100JOHN ROLLINGS
935641964100 Lars Hyldmo
937521964100Tim Holloran
937911968100A. B. Bonds
94282196666Terry Steiden
944891966100L. Arntzen
945201966100Branislav Bane Bozinovic
94521196633Peter King (UK)
94533196566 Bevis Peters (UK)
946071965100G.M. TURNER
947871968100Gordon Stringer (NZ)
949321967100mike venditte
95237196566Kon Zissis
95450196566Clarence Madden
962871966100Local Church
964031966100Rob Aronstein
96616196733David Cross
966301966100Adam Burrell
966501966100Dave Bentley
966521966100Peter Barratt AU
966571966100Kev Conlon (UK)
968661968100A. B. Bonds
971311968100A. B. Bonds
972351968100Dr. Arthur D. Kemp
972981968100Melville Ross Evelyn
97316196833 pp
97526196766Duane Palmore
976061968100 Steve Duck
97808196866John Reed
979251968100Harald Neymanns
98157196833 Rick Prevallet
98215196833John Clark McCall, Jr.
98392196866Alessandro Pozzi
99397196866Clasu Strengell (Finland)
100055196866Neil Smallman (UK)
100446196866John Keating
1008331968100Giuseppe Ravaglia (Italy)
101067196966Steven Wren
1014031969100 Unknown (February, 1969)
1556381972100CARIOU Patrick
206589197366Daniel van Loggerenberg
2368351973100 John Lennon (Yes, that one)
2382511973100L. Arntzen
312127197466Norman P. Hartendorp
390602197533Dr. Arthur D. Kemp
4509211974100 Dan Fowler
4510481973100Joshua Derque
451145197533Frank Scales

Model D100

(Manufactured from July 1963 through September 1969)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
10101963100George Fish
12621964100Ron Kenney
17611964100 Rich Kranz (Live Animals SFO)
18221964100Ray Steen
19291964100Barry Henry
2339196566John Gieseking
25891969100W.B. Thompson

Model RT

(Manufactured from July 1949 through September 1949)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
10641949100Tom Petro
10861949100George Matthis
1101194933Mario C. Lightfoote
1150194933Tony Ficili

Model RT2

(Manufactured from November 1949 through January 1955)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
1328195466Pedro Raventos (Spain)
1448195433Gerardo Rojas (Chile)
1623195466Justin Hartz
1918195533Mike Bailey
2196195133Doug Renaud (CA)
2219195133Jose Maymon
22791952100Mark Hall
2426195433Bruce Honnigford
26071955100Rosanne Taratolo

Model RT3

(Manufactured from January 1955 through 1974)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
40061955100Bill Catchings (7th RT-3)
41511955100Rich Hlaves
42251955100Tim Rinkerman
4232195533Anders Ferm SE
4281195533Patrick Coulehan
44251955100Full Gospel Tabernacle
44791955100Henrik Andersson
5108195933kevin jorgensen
51421959100The Happy Church
5236196033MG Scott
5627195933Rick Prevallet
56571959100John Webster
61011959100Alexander Caly
6254196066Doug Wills
6349196733Bill Morton
65121960100Dr. Mel Bishow
65801960100 Dr. Drew
67331960100Ero Lippold
70491959100NICK RENICH
70901960100Max Blumentrath
71541960100Judith (NZ)
73701960100 Tabernaklet, Bergen (church).
7379196166Finn Christensen
7412196233Dr.Bertram Winkler
7525196066David Hughes
7528196133David Cross
75591960100Chilmark Church
78551961100Peter LoDuca
80311962100 Rick Prevallet
80311962100Rick Prevallet
83191963100Matthew J. Collins
8427196366Sabra Rounds
90861966100Bernardo Paratore
91691967100Larry Gilmore
1499251973100Hubert Best

Model A100 Series

(Manufactured from ~1959 through 1965)

Note: Model A105 continued to be manufactured until January/February 1975.


Note: Around serial number 20000, Hammond assigned a block of serial numbers to the decorator cabinets in the A-100 series (A-101/102/105/122/143 etc.). This has caused owners to wrongly attribute the age of their instrument when based solely on the serial number, and consequently, many of the serial numbers reflected in the age list for this group are probably in error. If your unit has a serial number in the 20000 to 30000 range you must check date codes to get an accurate reading of its production date. Serial numbers after 30000 were reserved for A-100 models only. When Hammond used up the decorator block of numbers they were reintegrated into the pool of general A-100 numbers.

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
10741959100Nikolaj Hà � ¸ i (DK)
11381959100Tom Eldred
11951959100Rob Ferrin
13941959100 Rick Prevallet
16661960100Rory Messer
17381959100Dixson Rudolph
18351959100Emilio Gambogi (Italy)
18891959100Larry Roques
18961959100Tom Petro
19171959100Spiller Anderson
19181959100Martin Dill (Switzerland)
25791959100Alan D. Quilley
2687196066Dean Marines
2739196166Gianmario Solinas
27561960100Pierre-Luc VALLET
3013196066William (A-101)
30161960100Olaf Sigurdsson
3122196066John Mark Sherlock (CA)
3191196066 TBA
32271959100LUCA ROSSI
32871959100Tom Petro
3374196266Steve Wierenga
36861960100Brian Stumcke
3780196433Keith Burberry (UK)
38351960100Bill Rubertus
38431959100Brian Lucy
3899196066Backline et Pianos
4160196066Michael Douglas
4175196566Bevis Peters (UK)
4181196566Derek Halliday (UK)
4229196066Joe Bagg
44551960100Zack Searcy
44821960100Tomi Schwarzenbach (CH)
46121960100Ruben Hamm
4692196066David Stanton
48181960100Tom Petro
49171960100Walt Roberts
5004196066Tomas Valenti
5048195966Brian Peddie (CA)
50491959100Daryl Thistel (CA)
5061196066Duncan Greenwood (UK)
5104196033Robert Alexander
51961961100John Carleton
5305196033Chris Jones
56161959100 Unknown
57651961100Thomas Jung
5794195966Mark Weisgram
61681960100Kevin McMaster
62861960100B. Schroder
62861960100B. Schroder
63951960100 David Kowal
64371960100Tom Petro
6490196033Michael W Smith
6511196133Steve Kubica (CA)
6587196266Anthony M. Buonpane
6592196166L. Scott Brand
69471960100Dean Marines
74831961100Harald Spies
76241961100Carol Maples
77691961100Chris Darsch
77801961100Fredrick Stanley
78941961100Carl Benick
7899196166Marco Parisi (Chopped)
80921961100Marco Parisi
81081961100Dick Jones
8271196266 Logan Wexler
83121961100A. Green
83191961100Glen A Goodale, Montreal
83391961100Ghennadi Lyskin
83781961100Rick Prevallet
8408196133Tilmann Mahkorn
8535196133Bruce Hannover
87421961100Rick Wegmann
87581961100Garry Redlin (CA)
94301961100Rich Neumann (A-101)
9695196266Steve Leigh
97951962100Holger Koch
98031962100Jean-Pierre Lamon (CH)
9956196233Bill Wright
100021961100Boris Relja
10033196233Laurie Witt
101661961100Rick Prevallet
102701961100Paolo ' Apollo' Negri
102821961100David Cornutt (A-102)
103951961100Barry Henry
10564196033Josh Brown
107651961100Bevis Peters (UK)
10797196233Jones Machado
10919196133 Erin Johnson
11600196133Charles J Moberg
116551961100Armin Brunner AUT
117331961100Dave Scott
118281962100Michael Schiestl
118831961100Joni Bà � ¤ cklund
120421962100Giuliano Innocenti A102
120421962100Giuliano Innocenti (A102)
122151962100Jim Key
122731962100Massimo Parisi (A102)
12360196233Craig MacDonald CA A-102
126661961100David McCracken
12736196166Donal Duggan
128091961100Rick Prevallet
12842196133Darren (A-102)
129541961100Peter John Kane
131361961100Gene Lambert
13237196166G.J.Vos (Holland)
132551961100Nick Rossi
13613196133Mark Giles
136951961100Best Chiro
13750196166David Hagler
138121961100Derek Goodwin (UK)
13820196133Harri Saksa (Finland)
138381961100James Brown
13901196199R. Culver
139171961100George Izquierdo
139861961100Jim Jones
14155196366Dave Scott
14960196233Ronnie Qualls
150141962100Sascha Zenner
153581961100Matt Nichols
153641961100C. Viola Sellon/Michael Ditto
156241961100Michele Montecucco
157171962100Matt Chadra (January)
159981961100Matt Leir
160581962100Rick Prevallet
162111962100Jeff Goodman
16390196266Rick Prevallet
16437196466Holger Pagenkopf
165861962100Marvin Kaiser
16660196133Greg Black
170921961100Bence Vas
17245196433Praise Tabernacle (Craig Brown)
17601196133Zsolt Szabo
176281962100Tim Holloran
177801962100Vernon Spriggs
178611962100Tom Petro
17972196233Norbert A. Hanke (Germany)
181531962100Scott Baldwin
184431963100John Hodgkinson
18738196266RW Foster
189311964100Tom Petro
19439196433Roberto Bolognesi
195591962100Dudar -Pazop- Viktor (A100)
197521962100Lou Chitty
19756196433?Juha-Pekka Palmulaakso
200651961100Matthias Studer
201941961100Shawn Taylor
202111961100Tom Kennedy
202971961100 Chuck Boschen
205601961100Sean Hall (A102)
20620196433Greg Black
20924196233Dick Dale
21190196266Spiller Anderson
21218196266Kirk Brown
21288196266% Jeff Burke
21316196333Ed Viera
213881963100Rick Prevallet
21531196366Thomas R Sorber
21584196266 Trevor Walker
218831963100Rick Rininger
219341963100Jim Wacek (A102)
220291963100Marco Parisi (A 102)
22191196333Dennis Dyer
223611963100George (A-102) (RUS)
223611963100George (A-102) (RUS)
22557196366 Roy Knight
225571963100Roy Knight
227681963100Marco Parisi (A102)
227801963100O. MILLER (A-102)
231621961100John Griffith
233931964100 Markus Maxison
241331963100Brian Silverman
24338196266Mark Steven Lewis
247831965100glen sturm
252331962100Mark Weisgram (A-105)
253901962100Peter Abrams (A-105)
254251962100Doug Sewell
255731963100Yves Cuttat
257251963100Tim Hodges
259731963100Moritz Haugk (A105)
26301196333Jean Watson (A-105)
266341964100Donald Hemphill (A-105)
275521963100Harry Spring
275521965100H. Spring
276271963100Donald Hemphill (A-122)
276991963100Giuseppe Chiriatti (ITA)
279421963100Pete Mazich (A-122)
279751964100Denny Friedline (A-122)
280021964100Mark Schmidt (A-122)
28008196433Emil van Woensel
282481965100Harvey Olsen (A-122)
283491965100 Marco Parisi (A122)
29161196433L Benz (A-105)
29306196466Rob Millis (UK)
293981968100Gianpietro Mazzolari (A105)
295391968100B. Schroder
296641968100Jason Boynton-Lee (UK)
29717196433C. Rogers
298331968100Simon Trethewey
29847196266Sté phane BREDEL
2994466100Rod Czerniak (A-105)
299531969100Steven Roady [A-105]
30028196466Kevin Klein
303621964100A. Zwerver
30384196366G. Knauf
30477196450Steve Miller
306241964100Steve Miller
30648196466 Harry Oestreicher
30698196433Steve Czarnecki
31128196333Bob Hammer
31382196266Pete Whittaker (UK)
314961963100Dixson Rudolph
31664196533Mike Rozell
31686196666Tommaso Perazzo
31785196366Sergio Ferrario
318321963100Brooks Reid
318551963100Gary Brookshire
319211963100H - J Bart
319541964100Michael Anderson
320961964100Jane Van de Hoef (Canada)
322021962100Steve Leigh
328221963100David Harnett
328321963100Johnny Savant
32962196233Gary Edwards (A-105)
332751963100Francois Jean
333581963100Johan Winberg (SE)
333801963100Bristol Missionary Church
334041963100Martin Braun
33795196933Dr G R Slatter
339181963100Steve Dawkins
34163196333Mike Keller
344271965100Peter Sweetzir
34436196366Gabor Szepesi
344541965100Sherri & Neil Reed
346076333Ward Archer
34766196333Joe Krown
348101963100Steve Leigh
349191963100Marcel Thomi
350011963100Alberto Stoppelli (A-102)
354511963100Dean Marines
354781964100Lawrence Hirth
356221963100David Harnett
35834196366James Minor
36362196366Joshua Zwick
36783196333John E. Ellis
36803196466Barry Foster
36960196466Rick Prevallet
37146196466Al Gamble
375101964100Mark Weisgram
376101964100Steve Edlich
377781964100 Mike Herriot
378501964100Tim Petit
378571964100 David Harnett
378761964100Srdjan Batosic
378931964100Tom Clement
383851964100Dan Bonow
38509196466Charlton F. Quinn
385451964100Les Merrill
38634196466Mark Bock
38667196466Tim Holloran - A-102
38817196466Maury Stauffer
38841196466Robert Campbell
394001964100James Murphy
399471962100Tim Holloran
40052196533Eric Andreen
403391964100J R H Holmes
40359196533Ches Cain (A-143)
412601965100Michael Kent
414361965100David Dineen
41581196533 Martin Peltzer
41597196666Bryant Holinaty
418221965100Kyle Whitlock
41978196566Dave Mackenzie
42036196566Bill Bilhou
42038196566Steve Sorenson
421761965100W. Koenig (UK)
421881965100marcel suos
426131963100David Hughes Leslie
427871965100 Trond Graff (Norway)
430821965100Pier Angelo Paderni (IT)
433721965100Dave Wallace
442311965100Michael L.
444851966100Peter Macmillen
475471966100Justin Hill (UK)
64897196433joe l.
967311966100Peter Jones (UK)
2321091973100Bevis Peters (UK)
2379211973100Guillermo Garcia CL
239313197233Antonio Godinho
3941801974100Rod Hannah
4168781975100Dennis Delzer A-105

Model E100

(Manufactured from June, 1965 through September, 1969)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
1216196533Mark Slade (Ireland)
14631965100Markus Lind (E-112)
17661965100Richard Muir E-143
21161965100Douglas Burskey (E-112)
38011965100 Joanne Spaide Schwandt
49481965100Alice Hammond
6042196566David Olchewsky (E-182)
6869196533P. Boysen
7047196933Greg Black
14391196633Gossett (E-112)
144211965100Ron Shy
18018196666Terry Rowe
18801196633Rob Schatz
225781967100George Mazich
230061969100Pete Maudlin
23617196833Bob Lay (E112)
25199196566Maureen Benson
46715196566Jaco Fouche ( South Africa )

Model E300

(Manufactured from June, 1965 through September, 1969)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
976665100Jerry Stone
110171966100Piet.F.Leo (E312)
17019196733Iolo Davidson (E312) (UK)
170381967100Anders Karlsson (Sweden)
1841967100Rod Czerniak
18421196766Daniel Leshkov
233811967100Trevor Noon (E-312) (UK)
36645196866Tom Petro

Model G100

(Manufactured from February 1964 through July 1967)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
691964100George Matthis
1491965100 Marc A. Mercier
1941965100Trinity Church, Bristol CT

Model H100

(Manufactured from October, 1965 through 19??)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
1095196666 Tim White
12951966100Charley Timmons
1786196666Doug Schultz H-112
21641966100Aaron Sisemore
21741966100KEN MEDEIROS
22081968100Asko Taipale H-111
35161967100John Lydle
41061965100 Brad Self
75691967100 Bill Tobin (H182)
79741967100Andre Fauvel
15340196833Manu Saels (H112) (BE)
15415196833Paul Riley (H-133)
156841968100 Richard Streitz ( H 143 )
162961967100Jeffrey Montanari
547261969100Paul Lee
1308081971100Bob Scarborough (H111)

Model L100 Series

(Manufactured from September, 1961 through 1970)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
1595196133M. Williamson (L-102)
26451961100Mackenzie Fisher (l-102)
26451961100Mack Fisher
2716196133Scott Gille
43321962100Rick Prevallet
45081961100Chris Blodgett
63391961100Michael Keller (L-102)
68941962100Matt Sanborn
75751961100Kevin Dragon
75911962100Steve Skorovic (L103)
93331963100Noah Benzing
103121962100Glen Ward
10605196266Jeffrey Krug
11263196266 Jason H. Richard (L-101)
113771962100Adam Melnick
12351196266Raoul van Herpen
13134196266Rosalie Hardy
140761962100Jason Hacken (L103)
143101962100Richard Wamil (L102)
14439196266Robert Morris
164561962100Stuart Hardy
165691962100Trond E.Darre (NO)
168761962100Lisa M Zumstein (L101)
232131962100Jon Perry
237991963100Ann Strickhouser
257671962100John P. Maggard (L102)
26383196233Dave Wilson (L101)
269441963100Klaus (UK)
269841963100Rick Davis
274661962100chris rozas (L-103)
30196197166Andreas Gü nther (Ger)
30961196066Daniel Galanti
316571963100Amanda Hambidge (UK)
329281963100Lester (zoot) Mundy (UK)
346441963100Matt Cramer
34875196366Kon Zissis
34880196333David Cross
361531963100glen sturm
364041963100Goran Jostrand
39856196333robert masingill (L-102)
400861963100Carlos (L102) (CA)
41584196433Justin Yates
443311965100Alberto Stoppelli (L102)
47747197066Dave Mackenzie (L112)
48054196466Barry Lanz (L143)
50962197066John Guenther (L112)
51070196566Michael J. Tobin
51206196566Tom Ragusa (L143)
527741965100Regan Bull (L111)
533531964100Scott Brand
541571964100 Leland Berry
543191965100Peter MacMillen
547881965100Doug Irvine BC Canada
54923196566Dirk Blom (L-112)
552621965100Sam Bethune (L-112)
557811965100Aulis Aho (L111)
570061965100 Keyboard John Armstrong
57540196533Dominic Blaazer
575711965100Jarkko Hautala FIN
576051965100Peter Jones (England)
584491965100 Anne Albert (L-133)
58672196566Doug Schultz L-133
587721965100Peter Jones (L102 UK)
58870196533beth scott
615111965100Peter Barratt (L122, Australia)
622591965100Nick Rossi (L102)
632801865100Justin Dodsworth
66843196666Zachary Nover (L-133)
690941965100Matti Adolfsen
69274196833Jean-Michel endil
70254196533Ed Allen
713071966100Robert McCarthy (L111)
723591975100W Gigger
75930196666JP Eliot (L111 - France)
785301966100Danny Mefford Jr.
79220196733Don Coates (L-112)
793441966100Matt Sanborn
800321967100Nathan Wilcox
805301965100Kjetil Strand (L122)
814751966100Alan Kranpost (L-112)
82902196633Ian H & Steve G (L111)
84878196533James Brashier (L-133)
85361196766Edward Madill
85566196833Greg Black
86141196666Joe Wise
917171968100S. Dunn
929931964100James Welborn
93315196833Keijo Myohanen
94189196733Udo Fischer (GE)
94398196766Michael Lietze
95109196466Henrik Andersson
95608196833Paul Kauffman
96051196466Michelle Murray
968421968100David and Sandra Beidler
980461969100guglielmi ugo
984051969100LUCA ROSSI
111234197066J-P Palmulaakso
126669197166P.Raventos (Spain)
206596197333Trevor Noon (UK)
2178291973100 Mike Herriot (UK)
2207421970100GENESIS C. RIVERA
396590196833ian fenney
5757101965100Jarkko Hautala FIN
8415421967100 Tony Miller
1090308197333 mwkelly

Model L200 Series

(Manufactured from 196? through 19??)

Model M

(Manufactured from November, 1949 through December, 1949)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
1079194933Big Joe
24711949100Rick Zahniser (Belize)
38231949100Reg Tulk
39821949100Dean Marines
46061949100John Phillips
47481949100Jeff Dairiki
53471949100Scott Buckner
6151195233frank tacconi
62931949100Dennis Lepard
7010194933Rod Peal
71941949100 Rick Prevallet
86641949100Benjamin Maxson
112911949100Loel Larzelere
135491949100Andy Myers
136571949100wharton tracks studio
138921949100Vladimir Djuric
141431949100Paul Crane Jr
155051949100Tim Holloran
155731949100Regan Bull
172831949100Dave Scheller

Model M2

(Manufactured from November, 1951 through January, 1955)

Tex tan saddles serial numbers. Recently manufactured Tex Tan saddles have the two-digit model year imprinted as part of the serial number. The year code may stand alone or it may be paired with numbers identifying the month in which the saddle was made.

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
191961951100Scott Williams
19680195133Bill Petersen
19992195266Rhett Huffman
20457195133 Rick Prevallet
20732195433scott bronnes
21278195133Twiford Funeral Home
22234195133Richard Chew
22825195233 Harriet Leisawitz
228791952100Edward R. Castillo
246141953100 Bob Ostermann
25339195266Criss Candelaria
25677195233Joe Strouse
265901952100Mark Robertson
269071952100Peggy Wagner
269811952100Stu Hardy
27043195266Lyle Dahlgren
289671953100Donn Fleury
29305195366 Greg Plant
29618195333Evil Kneevers
31119195233Sarah Bodney
31478195333Dave Brown
31855195233John Starzmann
33016195233Richard Gray
33516195266 Harry Oestreicher
338261953100Bradford Hoopes
346441953100Mary-Anne Watts
36097195333Joseph Rivers
385481953100Denny Friedline
386141953100Chuck Weaver
40906195366Sam Lowry
417091953100Neil Bunker
430241953100Juli R. Russell
43411195333kip rowan
449151953100andrew dofner
45164195333Pat Slobodian
45205195333Joe Strouse
45262195366Ryan Matzen
452881954100Joshua Deitner
455731954100Mike Brewes
46637195466John J. Tidwell Sr.

Model M3

(Manufactured from January, 1955 through January, 1964)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
482071955100 Eric Tucker
48748195566Garry Redlin
48770195466Scott F. Sneller
48812195433 Rick Prevallet
49076195566John E. Ellis
492161964100jordan scott reaser
49256195566S. Dunn
49280195533Ron James
498821955100Richard Wamil
499821955100Regan Bull (CA)
500751955100Carlos Perez
50304195566Pasquale Zullo
50682195566Jose R. Diaz, Jr.
506831955100 Josh Johnson
50794195533 Tremel Dunkin
520301955100Mike Keller
52529195566Shirley Bowlin
52537195533Russ Congdon
526721955100Regan Bull (Ebony)
529561955100Jim Dunlap
553781955100tommy holder
554361955100Glenn Howard
55772195533David Gould (Blonde)
561061955100Richard Wamil
561161955100Steve Sorenson
56191195566Harry Oestreicher
56487195533John E. Ellis
57035195533Alan Riches
58335195533Pat Branigan
58473195533 Rick Prevallet
585081955100 Dan Clark
58687195533 Rick Prevallet
593721955100Peter Mason
59883195633Robert Nightingale
60120195666Alan D. Quilley
60381195633Rob Rohde-Szudy
605421956100Tom Wilson
614921956100Bill Ruffino
61507195633Josh Zwick
623311956100Ben Silverman
627161956100Jerry Fletcher
638571956100JAN R. KRUPA, SR.
64183195533Bonnie Fish
641861956100Tim Holloran
659101955100Regan Bull (CA)
659161956100Regan Bull (CA)
66309195633Matt Kaiser
66530195533Jeannie Johnson
66762195750Pat Milton
67044195733?George Fish Jr.
67342195733Erich Gaukel
67905195733Kelly Carr
701761956100Ero Lippold
713491956100Juli R. Russell
72985195666Garry Redlin
72998195666Kerry Galloway
73034195466Andre Bisson
73368195566Stefan Leers (Germany)
73630195633Dan Pulos
766021956100Thomas Stumpf (Germany)
776851956100Joseph Gillis
77809195633Brian Lillie
79103195633Wil Carr
80024195766Peter Sweetzir
81385195833Gabor Hegedü s (M3 blond form A3)
824361955100Michael Nuzum
82810195533 Rick Prevallet
83250195666Mark Waddington
84271195566Douglas H. Nathan
85010195533Costa Kostadinov
85432195666 Peter Padalino
85443195633 Jason H. Richard
862221956100Kevin Hollis
87185195733Bill Layer
87228195733Nigel Reed
87299195733Rod Peal (Blonde)
87981195733John E. Ellis
87999195733Paul Slavens
883281957100Rich Kranz SFO
88790195733Bruce Domenella
88944195733Charles Medes
89163195733Mike Arnold
89388195766Sean Kearns
897591957100Ero Lippold
899421957100Michael Douglas (Can)
903771958100James Guest
904411958100Ed Greany
904851958100Troy Dondelinger
914211958100Stephen Morley
916111958100Hartwig Mueller
924981958100 Paul Vamossy
92498196133 Paul Vamossy
93190195866 Andrew Yeomanson
940541958100Treshell Black
944651958100Cliff Johnston
950541958100Jeff Dayton
951081958100Daniel Jensen
954041958100Gerry DeFrancisco
96199195833Corey Gallatin
96768195866Tom Eggers
982501958100Art Lawson
996641958100Mark Polson
99683195833Peter Hannermann (Holland)
1000021958100Danny Ward
100622195833Mary Jo Brechtl
101383195866Ann Chamlee McGuire
1020731958100Bradford Hoopes
104066196366Wayne Wright
104602195966Timothy Pierson
105141195833Wim Rijnsburger (NL)
105207195833Tom Main (NZ)
105699195866Robert Campbell
1066181958100 Joe Leonard
1069211958100Brian Eastburn
1087501958100Angela Widdowfield
1103611958100Mike Keller
1116071958100Marcos William de Leon
1118971958100Bill Metzar
1119211958100Mark Blom Puyallup WA
112288195833Josh Pritchett
113093195833 Dan Leisawitz
1134671958100John Sak
113503195833Brian Silverman
1135301958100Jeff Richards
113792195833Guenter Hoertnagl (Austria)
1141801958100 Mark Day
114911195833Mark Miller
115520195833scott bronnes
1155991958100Philip Aaberg
1159921958100The Mother/Daughter Team
1160191958100Christ The Life Lutheran Church
1178071959100Jeff Richards
1183381958100Michael Nuzum
1195541958100Claus Hertel (DE)
1208121958100andy ward
121032196066Tom Hale
1211161959100Stephen D'Ambrosio
122899195966Sam Dickson
123062195933Larry Jacobson
123232195933Harry Britton
123293195933Doug Brydges (CA)
1234051959100Jack Passion
123883195966Erik Miller
124232196233 Dean Kloberdanz
1244011959100 Mary Harwood Bullard
126309195933 Rick Prevallet
1265711959100Noah Benzing
1266281959100tommy holder
127674195966Paul Wasserman
1279571959100Mark Sweat
1292131959100 Russ Dolezal
129827195966Paul Ruxton
1301861959100Michael K. Cobb, Sr.
130238195966Rick Prevallet
1303931959100Nicholas Strom
1304711959100Steve J. Restivo
1316521959100Bradford Hoopes
131920195966Pascal Morasse-Raymond
132066195966John E. Ellis
1327611959100Bill Sancimino
1329201959100John Keating
1330401959100First United Methodist Church of Loomis
1353901959100Michael Whaley
135528195933Harry Lounsberry(Blonde)
135534195933John E. Ellis
1363011959100Tim Roche
1367241959100Garry Gunderson
136952195933Roger Brown
1376961960100Cliff Conradt
1392631960100Tuomo Pfaler
139443196066Jerry Miller
139818196033Michael Kern
140148196033 Rick Prevallet
1410181960100Dan Albrecht
1412941960100Jeremy Symons (UK)
1414931960100 Lorraine Yasinski
1416301960100%Alan D. Quilley
1424961960100Ed Greany
142756195933Dougie Armour
142798196033Michael Sankewitsch
1433971958100Art Salatto
143402196033Chris Laschke
1440071960100erik rasmussen
144480196066Joerg Schimer
144589196033Judy McKnight
146363196066 John Nadelin
1473321960100Hugh Hinskens
1474931960100Al Motschman
1477831960100Jeff Orchard
147970196033Tom Egil Lilletvedt (NO)
1481751960100Jake Cooper
148193195933Jan Dumas
148268196033Marilyn Lutz
148318196480Robert Wakeley
1490921960100Grace Baptist Church
151901196133 Rick Prevallet
152076196133Brian M. Eastburn
152240196133Robert Campbell
152442196066linda (original owner)
152762196133paul koelbel
1530921960100Daniel Forro (Japan)
153956196133Rob Rohde-Szudy
1547041961100Denny Friedline
1552251961100Carl Starkey - YEKRATS RECORDS
156131196133Alisa Prusnick
1572491963100Bill Urmson

Model M100 Series

(Manufactured from August, 1961 through January, 1968)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
11961100Sal Azzarelli
21741966100Ken Medeiros
2199196166Rob & Sarah Marsh
22871961100Rich Hlaves (M101)
54941961100 Cory Haugsted
6099196166Mark Papianni
6580196133 Marcel F. (M-111) (Switzerland)
6682196233John E Henderson
7020196266Tony Chenail M111
7316196133Paul Schroeder (M-103)
7538196133Evil Kneevers
84791961100Johnette Payne
8931196133Lasse Bengtson (SE)
92761961100Andreas Radtke (DE)
92761961100Andreas Radtke, Germany (M-111)
11649196166Aat Hoogenboezem M103
12350196133Larry Harris (M-103)
13315196233Daniel Ray
152541962100Joe Dutilly
15677196233Ed Hegge (M-103)
160621962100CLIVE GOODWILL (M102) RSA
16954196266Martin Braun
186871963100Martin John Finch
19491196233Ruth Pittman (M103)
19509196233Chuck Gould
195091962100Chuck Gould
19808196233Norbert Dombai (M111)
204101962100Michael Klein
209361963100% Alberto Guardado
210111963100Peter Barratt (M-102, Australia)
212611963100Francesco Giolo
21985196266Robert McCarthy (M111)
219881962100 Bob Robinson
220921963100Joseph Gillis (M111)
223521963100Jon Heflin
23235196333Bob Fink (M-103)
23440196766Steve Sorenson
235911963100Jason Kaminski
247311963100Dan Evangelist
248281963100Richard Dahlenburg
25546196366Scott M-111
27095196366Rob DeNunzio
274381963100Alfio Costa
27462196533Chris Walker
28557196366Craig Colbert M-101
286141961100John Thompson (M-101)
2896863100Rod Czerniak
291061963100Barry Casebeer
29246196333Werner Mueller
296151963100Todd A. (M-111)
30081196366Al Gamble (M101)
310991964100Hartwig Mueller
31877196433Craig Browning
32269196433Elmar Klijn (Netherlands)
322691964100Wim Rijnsburger
33224196466Justin Dodsworth
332411963100Benjamin SARRAT (FR)
33662196333Jerry Gillgren (M-102)
34667196566Michael Douglas
349821965100 Dustin Hawkins
355441965100Edoardo Fagiano (M-105)
358101964100Matt Sanborn
385501965100Milt Neul (M101)
38644196233scott bronnes
40110196466Mark Papianni
40291196466Peter Sweetzir
40414196433Robert Wuensch
41514196433Mike Kahrs (M103)
41705196433Don Ericson (M101)
42009196566%Tim Holloran
42068196366Andreas Gü nther (Ger)
43135196533John Higon
433561964100Michael Ditto
44544196566David Neal (UK)
44885196533David Simpson (M-143)
46194196566Michael Nuzum (M103)
464791965100John Taglieri (M-111)
468321965100Jyrki Sippola
46968196533Rusty Shackleford (M-101)
48041196466Paul Schonstrom
48042196566Frank Stroupe (M-143)
488781965100Jared Smith
49831196566Peter Sweetzir
498951965100CLIVE GOODWILL (M-101) RSA
498951965100Clive Goodwill
49981196533Ron Kenney (UK)
511451965100Ron The Mon
51872196833Mary Krogseng (UK)
523381965100Kinsch, Volker
531631965100Markus Lind (M-103)
540661965100David Jacklin
55485196566Peter Sweetzir
55633196530 Antonio Spedale (Italy)
56473196366Scott Hemphill
57291196333Roger Gentile
58084196533Mike Wise
580911966100Mark Schmidt (M-103)
58604196733Channing Booth
58628196566C. Nelson (M-111)
58888196666John Phillips (M-143)
593951967100William Gates
60732196633Patrik Gudmundsä ter (SW)
607591965100John Ward
615551966100Mark Jarzewiak
617441966100 Tom May
632071956100Karen Gambill
63238196933Rick Bringger (M-103 Cherry)
650941966100Andreas Turner (M-111)
65218196933Sebastian Zü ndorf (Germany)
65691197033 Mike Herriot
660191966100Hans Peter K. (M-162) (Switzerland)
665041966100Phil MacArthur
681501968100Artur Trincheiras
695461967100Peter Jones (UK)
702741967100Garry Redlin (M-103)
716981967100Karen Jackson
718121967100Wendi Fay Yarbrough
72274196733Rolf Kä llqvist
723491966100Derek Studt
73344195866Ben Moore
73357196766Jennifer Lincoln (M-103A, ant. white)
73746195966Jim Kerr
765741967100Melville Ross Evelyn
765921967100%Chris Clifford (UK)
768341967100Bjorn Skoglund (DK)
776281967100Sascha Zenner (DE)
777101967100Bevis Peters
778331967100Dave Hallam (SA)
77859196733Steen Hemmingsen
823511968100Keith Burberry (UK)

Model S Series

((Manufactured from March, 1950 through December, 1966))

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
2814195133 Parted out
108851953100Joe Dutilly
12802195333Abby Green
382551956100Marshall D. S-6
40592195833Thomas Laresch
50017195833Tim Holloran - S6
597661958100Lauren Woodward
67181196433Rod Peal
68004195966ERIC STOCKON
83847196433Joseph Rivers
84290196533William Merlyn (UK)

Model T Series

(Manufactured from March, 1968 through 19??)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
D1670161972100Kon Zissis ( XTP )
31581968100glen sturm
81191968100Noah Benzing
88201969100Martin (DE)
10389196833Douglas H. Nathan
11273196966Wez Prictor
25374196833David Gould
68556196833David Lowe
1271201971100 Mike Herriot (UK)
2238481973100Andy Gilbert (T500)
2451911973100John E. Ellis (T582C)
2514091973100Bryant Holinaty
313933197633manny martinez
384311197466 Chris
394442197533Aron Garceau (T582A)
425759197633Tim Holloran - T546A
426421197633Chris Simons T582A
427962197766Judi Conigy
5543701976100Jannes Oosterwijk

Model X5

(Manufactured from 1975 through 1978)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
422100Victor Fiorillo
5789191973100Nick Elliott
5789191973100Nick Elliott

Model X66

(Manufactured from May 1967 through 19??)

SerialNumberYearConfidenceLevelOwner Contact Info
341967100Jim Jones
2381967100Co Vromans
3321969100Douglas Ulwick
64649197166Scott F. Sneller
1029251968100M. Lightfoo


Model NumberSerial NumberYearConfidence LevelOwner Contact Info
21H10602194933Jeff Montanari
'12739195033Lynn Tucker
'13189195033Richard McIlvery
'137951955100Marc Mercier
'14549195533Tim Tobias
'15877195633Rick Gould
'16274195733Dave Mackenzie
'16781195733Tom Constable
22H19423195833Al Burian
'195941958100Scott Stevenson
'20636195933Chip Gremillion
'214281959100Rick Prevallet
'218481957100Jeff Richards
'224061960100Bill Bruno
'224171960100 Dr. Drew
'224181960100 Dr. Drew
'233821962100Rick Prevallet
'41332196333Peter LoDuca
'42152196333Robert Pascarella
'423781963100 Rick Prevallet
2515221959100Rick Prevallet
'44401960100Alexi David
31A1144194633Dixson Rudolph
'11891946100Peter Abrams
31H41861948100Rick Prevallet
'45051949100John P. Maggard
'45051949100John P. Maggard
'4564195466Don Hemphill
'4565195466Jeffrey Arnold
'4969194933Donald Kusnerik
'4976194933 Bill Tobin
'6205194966Rick Prevallet
'6794195033Mark Teeters
'6988195666Tim Wick
'70441952100Sal Azzarelli
'70461952100Rick Prevallet
'7058194966?Steve Leigh
'7597195666Bernardo Paratore
'8772195766Steve Blair
'9112195833Lars Mikael Verholt
44W517521956100Paul Svenson
'50105195533Cindy Champion
45532381960100Jeffrey Montanari
'539511959100Jim Hicks
'544431960100John Pearce
'54680196033Donald Kusnerik
'550881959100Bernardo Paratore
'556741960100J. Hauseman
47826071962100Steve Sorenson
50C60141959100Rick Prevallet
1206037197033 Mike Herriot (UK)
122245031963100Sal AzzarelliFourth one made
'249831963100Ken Lovern
'25583196433Gary Allsebrook
'26400196633Jefferson Gaffney
'28757196733Arthur Kemp
'277951966100Rich Wenzel
'278791966100Arthur Kemp
'296021968100Harry Owens
'299081968100Arthur Kemp
'30831197133Tim Hodges
'32182197133Daniel Bryan
'334801970100Peter Abrams
'323741969100Jim Jones
'425481963100Bill Bruno122R
'43469196333 Rick Prevallet
'442591966100Paul Wasserman122R
'468671968100James BrownRV model
'479031970100Barry HenryRV model
'488811969100Arthur KempRV model
'53555197433Pete Cage
'H00629<0006td> 1970 66Michael Wolk
'H17189197166Steve Leigh
'H542941973100Steve Leigh
'H542961973100Steve Leigh
'H543261973100Steve Leigh
'H57906197366Jim Jones
'H716771974100Rick Prevallet
'H75717197566Mark Souder
'H75718197566Mark Souder
'H775111975100Gary Brookshire
'J261781980100Rick Prevallet
122A7011501198933Edward Hegge
'70553741991100Jeff Richards
'7055955199166Tom Ericsson
'000702932000100 Rick Prevallet
'000904002000100 Rick Prevallet
'99030117200033Breck Camp
122R430881964100Bill Bruno
'431000691964100Marc Mercier
122R436621964100Bill Bruno
'448221964100George Fish Jr.
125150791964100Regan Bull
'17476196766Steve Sorenson
'192221968100Regan Bull
'208981968100 Ken Hall
142H584011974100Regan Bull
'H87891197566Robert Alexander(CA)
145623061964100Dixson Rudolph
'636771965100Jeff Richards
'636951965100David Chertock
'67340196866Peter Dyfvelsten(SW)
'68076196833Jeff Richards
'68466196933Bill Bruno
'690341968100Bill Bruno
'713091969100David Fisher
'H028170006/td>1969100Kostadin Kostadinov
'H431591973100Bill Bruno
'71901197366Harvey Olsen
'FA11008197266Kari Niittymaki(FI)
'H589591974100Bill Bruno
'H787161975100Bill Bruno
'FB20754197566Amanda Hambidge(UK)
'H50949197366Gary Allsebrook
'H6904231975100Donald Hemphill
147830021964100Steve Blair3rd one made
'831141964100Rick Prevallet
'831151964100Rick Prevallet
'831161964100Rick Prevallet
'831171964100Rick Prevallet
'832361964100Denny Friedline
'857101969100Phil Mac Arthur
'861831969100Rick Prevallet
'874941970100Victor Deflorio
'87818197066Harry Lounsberry
'H05136197066Bruce Domenella
'H18573197133Denny Friedline
'H26514197233Bill Bruno
'H26741197233 Rick Prevallet
'H600591974100Arthur Kemp
'H669871975100Bill Bruno
'H724871974100Arthur Kemp
'FB110981972100Wilhelm Koenig(Denmark)
'FA12667197333Graham Abraham(New Zealand
'FB180791973100Petri Olenius(UK)
'106201972100Bjorn Skoglund(Denmark)
222H083081973100Rick Prevallet
2515506196433Robert M. Hudson
'8908196766Thomas R Sorber
'89381967100Rick Prevallet
'9046196766Dr. Arthur Kemp
'H21063197266Matti Adolfs0006n(Denmark)
'H300231972100Jari Jankkila(Denmark)
'H721511974100Skip Sullivant
257B850681968100 Rick Prevallet (converted to 122 operation)
330H94706197966Victor Fiorillo
760FB18164197366 John Lennon (yes, that one)
'618531974100Rick Prevallet
'H61921197833Branislav Bane BozinovicYugoslavia
'H676561974100JOhn Pearce
770H524651973100Rick Prevallet


Model Number Serial NumberYearConfidence LevelOwner Contact Info
A20752193533John Ellis
'835193766Steve Winner
'1048193566Rick Prevallet
'1675193833Rick Prevallet
'2110193833Lois Brown
B403129193733Rick Prevallet
'9063194000633Rick Prevallet
'9065194033Rick Prevallet
D20255651947100Rick Prevallet
DR20154701945100Robert Alexander(CA)
'235211946100George Thom
'326571947100Rick Prevallet
F4037483193666Linda Hansen
'37740193666Tom Boyer
'38229193666Tom Ambry
FR40358331952100Philippe Ducor
'38229195566John Pappenfort
JR20346851953100Emanuele Prochietto(IT)
'349871953100Janice Zumbo
'72702195366Bill Steele
'744621954100Ian Wayne
'75639195666Joan Isenberger
'79417195766Ian Wayne
'904461957100SEAN MONAHAN
'90886195766John McCollum
'934591000658100John Freund
'935121958100Wilfred Hosteland(NO)
'947441958100G. Brookshire
PR201159701959100Tim Bulgrin
'119035196166Bill Bruno
'1204291961100Geoffrey Dairiki
'121117196233Mary Culler
PR401257071958100Matt Dietrich
'129592195933Matti Adolfsen(UK)
'1303361960100Treshell Black
'1317241961100Carl Benick
'131724196166Peter LoDuca
'132661196266Peter LoDuca
'132427196266Robert Hudson
'1333391962100Regan Bull
'1360691963100Jeff Richards
'139615196466 Rick Prevallet
'139628196466Rick Prevallet
'14052219640006/td>66Amanda Hambidge(UK)
'140540196466Amanda Hambidge(UK)
'142645196666 Saundra Weaver
'1433891967100Wilfred Hstel(NO)
H12-771068196766Jim Jones


Much of the component dating information contained here was supplied bySal Azzarelli(Azztec Organs). Other contributors includeAl Goff(GoffProfessional),Harvey Olsen, andBob Schleicher(Electronic Instrument Service). Thanks also is due to Bevis Peters and Tom Ericsson for previously administering this page.

Don Ericksonperformed the programming that automates the input of organ serial numbers, as well as the behind the scenes code that places the serial numbers into a MySQL database and figures out which records go with which organ model.

For more information on Hammond organs, there are two mailing lists offering discussion and insight. To subscribe, click on the following links: The Hammond ForumandThe Hammond List.

Hammond Organ Serial Numbers Lookup

This page is maintained byRick Prevallet. If you would like to submit a Leslie speaker or Hammond Tone Cabinet for inclusion in the list, or have any questions, comments or suggestions drop me a message. Links to other Hammond content can be found at theTonewheel General Hospital.

Hammond Organ Serial Numbers

©1998 - 2006 Prevailing Winds Technology, Inc.